The biggest fear of any child is to meet MR. SWITZER!! It has been a year since we have had to even think about Mr. Switzer, however, for the next two weeks Mr. Switzer is going to be involved in our daily routine!
Last year at this time we were fighting a constant battle and coming up with numerous ways of how to bribe Michael and convince him it would be ok...even though deep down inside I was just as nervous if not more nervous.
Yesterday, Michael, went to Mr. Switzer's without any tears....he went under the water, kicked from the side of the pool, and jumped in. The happiest moment of the day was that Michael doesn't have Mr. Switzer this year...he has two young ladies!!!
When I got home from work, the first thing I did was ask Michael how it went. His comment to me was, "mommy, Mr. Switzer is still ALIVE! He is not dead!!!" Thank goodness!!!