Confrontation is not my thing! I Hate confrontation more than anything!!! I dread the day that I have to confront one of my childrens friends parents, friends, or teachers. I am not sure I would be able to do it.
This year, Michael and Mary-Ann will both be in preschool. They will both be going to Village Preschool with Ms. Sally. We LOVE Ms. Sally and are more than satisfied with all that Michael brought home last year. He can recognize the letters of his name, make the sounds that those letters make, he can count, he can write his name, he can color, do puzzles, use his imagination, and has grown into an amazing little boy. The only downfall of last year was that there were only 4 little boys (counting Michael). Not many options to make friends....although he did do that. Biggest problem of the year was one little boy who constantly talked about guns and weapons and hunting. Michael began to constantly talk about guns, weapons, and killing bear. We had numerous talks to him about how dangerous guns and weapons are, and that we don't allow guns/weapons in our house as well as, gun/weapon talking. we are today....2 weeks until the first day of school and Ms. Sally calls. Why? I quickly returned her phone call only to find out that one of the little boys in Michaels class will be attending a different preschool. That leaves two children in his class-3 counting him. Ms. Sally can't justify having the 4 year olds go to school Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and instead the 4 yr. olds will be joining the 3 yr. old class Tues and Thursday and will still go on Wednesday. All the other parents (the other 2 that is) are on board with this decision how do I not go along with it-when I LOVE Ms. Sally. I questioned everything...will he be still getting the education he needs to be ready for full day Kindergarten next year, will he fall behind, what is she going to do to prepare them? All of her answers are valid. Problem comes with the issue of NOW Michael will only have 2 boys his age in class, and one of them being the "gun/weapon" boy. BIG CONCERN!
Concern #2...Michael and Mary-Ann will be in the same class two days a week...Not so sure about this. Stress has taken over me. I want the best for my child! I have called other preschools and am just not as happy with what is to offer...but I don't want Michael to pick up anything else. This summer this "gun/weapon" boy told Michael a snapping turtle was in the lake and would bite him. He went 1 week without swimming in the lake or pool!
Decisions, decisions, decisions...