Michael hates to be put on the spot. He is extremely shy (until he gets to know you), and really doesn't like grand lunches at school. He gets so anxious, misbehaves at school and home prior to the show, and cries about having to go on stage. It is something he needs to get over and outgrow, however, he is NO different than his mommy! Unfortunately I gave him this LOVELY quality!
Last week Ms. Sally, Michael's teacher, approached me about the grand lunch and NOT having Michael actually up on stage but being involved in the performance "backstage". I was a little upset after having this discussion with Ms. Sally because I felt that it is something he needs to learn how to do and that as a parent and teacher we had to encourage him to participate. I didn't want him to think that if he didn't want to do something, he could misbehave and not have to do it. For days and days, I thought about my conversation with his teacher. We went through this with the first grand lunch, and Mike spoke with Ms. Sally, telling her that he expected Michael to be on the stage and would discuss his behavior with him. Low and behold, he was on the stage, and the STAR of the show...a little angel. This time, I thought I would give Ms. Sally the benefit of the doubt, respect her decision, and let Michael sit back and do all the props and the program for the show. I felt okay about my decision.
On the day of the show, Michael was determined not to be involved, for the first half of the show he sat on my lab and watched...but....during the last performance, Michael got up and walked up onto the stage and joined his friends, all by himself! I was so proud of him! My brave little man...I know he is going to come out of his shell! He is going to have to if he wants to be a doctor like he says he wants to!