Life the past few years has been difficult trying to manage being a mother, a wife, working, and going to school, but when I compare last year to today it seems like a breeze. Michael has started Kindergarten. It has been a huge adjustment not only for him but for Mommy, Daddy, and Mary-Ann as well. Personally, I feel that going to Kindergarten a full day is WAY too much for a little five year old. I would say 3 out of 5 nights we have a huge meltdown due to being exhausted. He has had his ups and downs weekly. This past week was my fault, because I was NEVER home. When Daddy walked in the door I would leave and go study without giving my little sensitive man and very independent daughter a kiss goodnight. The poor little guy was struggling. I will never forget the sincerity in his voice when he informed me of his "not so good day" at school. When asking him why he was having trouble listening and following instructions, he said in the sweetest, most sincere voice, eyes looking in mine, "mommy, I miss you!" I did everything I could to not burst into tears. It absolutely stabbed my heart. To this day I think, is this education really worth missing being with my children every minute of the day. I have been told it is worth it in the end, however, I must say I am not convinced! His teacher also reported to me on that day, she had asked him what was wrong and he said, "I miss my momma." When the teacher told me this after my conversation with Michael, I broke into tears on the phone with the poor lady. It was such a heart breaking day.
This year is going to be a struggling filling many shoes. I know not only working, being mommy, a wife, and a student, but, I am a member of the PTA (parent teachers association), a soccer coach, the team parent for Michaels football team, basketball coach, and I have to transport children to and from there multiple extracurricular activities: gymnastics, football, and soccer, as well as, school functions (open houses, family fun nights). My schedule looks something like this:
Mondays: gymnastics at 5:00
Tuesdays: school all day and PTA at 6:00
Wednesday: Football practice
Thursday: School
Friday: Usually Free night(HOORAY)
Saturday: Soccer 9-10 and work 10:30-4:30
Sunday: Football 1-2
Life is a little chaotic and I wonder if I will survive this, but every minute of it is so valuable and precious to me. I can't imagine my life any other way!