Cats are known to have 9 lives, but I strongly believe that Suzi, has part cat in her and is slowly exhausting all of her nine lives. She has 2 remaining, and is becoming a multi-thousand dollar dog with each live she exhausts.
My dad went in for a THR, and I was left caring for their two dogs as well as mine. 4 springer spaniels, 2 kids, and Mike and I in a small house isn't an easy task. I left for school first thing in the morning took my exam, ran to the hospital to check on things, came back to Moultonboro to let ALL the dogs out, and then went to get my munchkins from the babysitters, all to go back to Concord to see Ahpe!
Upon arriving home, we were NOT greeted by Suzi, a huge concern to me. I searched the house and thought, "my gosh, I left Suzi outside accidentally". When I went back up stairs to search, I heard a scratch at our unfinished master bathroom door. I opened it up and out ran Suzi, crazy as ever. I began our nightly routine, after all it was 7:30. Feed the dogs, got kids dressed and ready for bed, sat down to relax for a few (after all I was up at 4:25 to study), only to hear the kids scream, "yuck, one of the dogs threw up." Not thinking anything at all I picked it up and sat down again, only to have to get up again b/c the dogs wanted to go outside. Walking into the kitchen was a large pile of throw up with candy wrappers of all kinds in it. Instantly everything clicked. Suzi had eaten the Easter baskets filled with candy from last year that I hid on the kids and clearly forgot about! I ran upstairs and sure enough that is what happened. Of course, Mike wasn't home and had ski team, so I texted him letting him know we may have a problem. He encouraged me that she would be fine until he got home and then we would make a decision about taking her to get seen.
At 9:00 I was getting ready to finally put the kids down (later than usual) when I noticed Suzi's hind legs tremoring! It was so scary. I didn't know what to do so I just sat and acted like things were fine. Suzi would jump up and down of the couch, until finally she vomited ALL over the floor, again chocolate covered with TONS and TONS of candy wrappers. There was so much vomit I had no clue how to clean it up! Figuring it out, I called my parents and they told me I had to call the hospital immediately as chocolate was TOXIC to dogs.
At 9:15, my lovely neighbor Pat came to sit with the kids, while I ran Suzi to the Vet Hospital in Meredith. Four hundred dollars later, Suzi was forced to vomit, had IV injections, Charcoal, x-rays, and a VERY strict diet of 2 tablespoons of rice, and lean hamburger 6 times a day for 24-36 hours with close monitoring for toxicity. Signs including, hyperactivity, anxiousness, vomiting, diaherra, and tremors! She has since survived the 24 hour watch! I'm telling you this dog has nine lives.
Suzi's Nine lives:
.1. Eating my pantyhose (during my banking career. HA HA HA).
.2. Eating 9 whole tooth picks that were in Filet Mignon and passing all 9 of them.
.3. A porcupine fight (of course she lost)
.4. getting shot by our neighbor
.5. eating beer grinds from Mikes home brewing.
.6. eating well beyond 16 oz. of chocolate
.7. eating di-con!
May she keep staying strong, but seriously ease up on making our finances suffer! God love this dog!!!
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